· 观察者模式 - 找工作或观察工作 原文 Observer – Look for a job or observe a job?
· 观察者模式 - 一个简单的Swing GUI例子 原文 Observer – A simple Swing GUI example
· 状态模式 - 当生活困难时要努力工作 原文 State – Work hard when life is hard
· 策略模式 - 如果加速你会得到票吗 原文 Strategy – Will you get a ticket if speeding
· 模板模式 - 测试车辆 原文 Template – Test a vehicle
· 访问者模式 - 访问纽约 原文 Visitor – Visit New York City
· 职责链模式 - 职责链 原文 Chain of responsibility – The responsibility chain
· 命令模式 - 使用不同的命令控制电脑 原文 Command – Use different command to control computer
· 解释器模式 - 解释一些内容 原文 Interpreter – Interpret some context
· 迭代器模式 - 迭代一个对象集合 原文 Iterator – Iterate a collection of objects
· 中介者模式 - 两个同事的交流 原文 Mediator – Mediate two colleagues
· 备忘录模式 - 使用备忘录记录时间旅行 原文 Memento – Use memento to time travel
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Observer
观察者模式已被用于在GUI动作监听器上。Swing GUI 示例显示了动作监听器如何像观察者一样工作。
下面是一个典型的关于猎头的例子。在这个图中有两个角色 - 猎头和求职者 。求职者订阅猎头,当有一个新的工作机会时猎头会发布招聘消息,求职者就能收到订阅。
//Subject interface. public interface Subject { public void registerObserver(Observer o); public void removeObserver(Observer o); public void notifyAllObservers(); } //Observer interface. public interface Observer { public void update(Subject s); } //HeadHunter class implements Subject. import java.util.ArrayList; public class HeadHunter implements Subject{ //define a list of users, such as Mike, Bill, etc. private ArrayList<Observer> userList; private ArrayList<String> jobs; public HeadHunter(){ userList = new ArrayList<Observer>(); jobs = new ArrayList<String>(); } @Override public void registerObserver(Observer o) { userList.add(o); } @Override public void removeObserver(Observer o) {} @Override public void notifyAllObservers() { for(Observer o: userList){ o.update(this); } } public void addJob(String job) { this.jobs.add(job); notifyAllObservers(); } public ArrayList<String> getJobs() { return jobs; } public String toString(){ return jobs.toString(); } } //JobSeeker is an observer. public class JobSeeker implements Observer { private String name; public JobSeeker(String name){ this.name = name; } @Override public void update(Subject s) { System.out.println(this.name + " got notified!"); //print job list System.out.println(s); } } //Start Point. public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { HeadHunter hh = new HeadHunter(); hh.registerObserver(new JobSeeker("Mike")); hh.registerObserver(new JobSeeker("Chris")); hh.registerObserver(new JobSeeker("Jeff")); //Each time, a new job is added, all registered job seekers will get noticed. hh.addJob("Google Job"); hh.addJob("Yahoo Job"); } }
翻译自 A simple Swing GUI example for Observer Design Pattern
这个例子显示了如何创建一个Swing GUI的例子,并解释为什么它是观察者设计模式的用法的例子。
import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JTextArea; public class SimpleSwingExample { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Frame Title"); final JTextArea comp = new JTextArea(); JButton btn = new JButton("click"); frame.getContentPane().add(comp, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.getContentPane().add(btn, BorderLayout.SOUTH); btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { comp.setText("Button has been clicked"); } }); int width = 300; int height = 300; frame.setSize(width, height); frame.setVisible(true); } }
首先,我们需要一个容器像一个Frame,一个Window,或一个Applet,用来展现组件如panels、buttons、text areas等。
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Frame Title");
final JTextArea comp = new JTextArea(); JButton btn = new JButton("click");
frame.getContentPane().add(comp,BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.getContentPane().add(btn, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ comp.setText("Button has been clicked"); } });
public interface ActionListener extends EventListener
listener 接口用来接收动作事件。该类(这个例子中主要的类)主要关注处理来自事件接口的动作事件,创建该类的对象并使用该组件的addActionListener方法注册组件。动作事件发生时,该对象的actionPerformed方法将被调用。
int width = 300; int height = 300; frame.setSize(width, height); frame.setVisible(true);
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: State
人们可以生活在不同的经济条件下。他们可以是富人,也可以是穷人。这两种状态 - 穷人和富人 - 可以随时互相转换。例子是:当人很穷时,他们工作非常刻苦,当人和富裕时,他们就可以更多的玩。他们是富是穷取决于他们的生活现状。他们可以通过他们的行动改变自己的生活状态,否则,社会是不公平的。
下面是类图。你可以比较这个策略模式 ,以对比他们的不同之处。
//State classes. package com.programcreek.designpatterns.state; interface State { public void saySomething(StateContext sc); } class Rich implements State{ @Override public void saySomething(StateContext sc) { System.out.println("I’m rick currently, and play a lot."); sc.changeState(new Poor()); } } class Poor implements State{ @Override public void saySomething(StateContext sc) { System.out.println("I’m poor currently, and spend much time working."); sc.changeState(new Rich()); } } //StateContext class package com.programcreek.designpatterns.state; public class StateContext { private State currentState; public StateContext(){ currentState = new Poor(); } public void changeState(State newState){ this.currentState = newState; } public void saySomething(){ this.currentState.saySomething(this); } } //Main class for testing import com.programcreek.designpatterns.*; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]){ StateContext sc = new StateContext(); sc.saySomething(); sc.saySomething(); sc.saySomething(); sc.saySomething(); } }
I’m poor currently, and spend much time working. I’m rick currently, and play a lot. I’m poor currently, and spend much time working. I’m rick currently, and play a lot.
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Strategy
策略模式(英文strategy pattern也可叫做policy pattern)
//Define a interface Strategy, which has one method processSpeeding() public interface Strategy { //defind a method for police to process speeding case. public void processSpeeding(int speed); } //Now we have two kinds of police officers. public class NicePolice implements Strategy{ @Override public void processSpeeding(int speed) { System.out.println("This is your first time, be sure don't do it again!"); } } public class HardPolice implements Strategy{ @Override public void processSpeeding(int speed) { System.out.println("Your speed is "+ speed+ ", and should get a ticket!"); } } //Define a situation in which a police officer will be involved to process speeding. public class Situation { private Strategy strategy; public Situation(Strategy strategy){ this.strategy = strategy; } public void handleByPolice(int speed){ this.strategy.processSpeeding(speed); } } //Finally, try the result. public class Main { public static void main(String args[]){ HardPolice hp = new HardPolice(); NicePolice ep = new NicePolice(); // In situation 1, a hard officer is met // In situation 2, a nice officer is met Situation s1 = new Situation(hp); Situation s2 = new Situation(ep); //the result based on the kind of police officer. s1.handleByPolice(10); s2.handleByPolice(10); } }
Your speed is 10, and should get a ticket! This is your first time, be sure don’t do it again!
Java.util.Collections#sort(List list, Comparator c)
Sort 方法在不同情况下使用不同的Comparator。要知道更多关于Comparator的内容,查看compare Comparator with Comparable。
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Template Method
//Vehicle.java defines a vehicle and hot it works package com.programcreek.designpatterns.templatemethod; abstract public class Vehicle { //set to protected so that subclass can access protected boolean status; abstract void start(); abstract void run(); abstract void stop(); public void testYourVehicle(){ start(); if(this.status){ run(); stop(); } } } //Car.java subclass Vehicle and defines concrete methods package com.programcreek.designpatterns.templatemethod; public class Car extends Vehicle { @Override void start() { this.status = true; } @Override void run() { System.out.println("Run fast!"); } @Override void stop() { System.out.println("Car stop!"); } } //Truck.java subclass Vehicle and defines concrete methods package com.programcreek.designpatterns.templatemethod; public class Truck extends Vehicle { @Override void start() { this.status = true; } @Override void run() { System.out.println("Run slowly!"); } @Override void stop() { System.out.println("Truck stop!"); } } //The testVehicle method only accept a Vehicle, it does not care if it is a car or truck, because they will work in the same way. This is an example of program to interface(P2I). import com.programcreek.designpatterns.templatemethod.Car; import com.programcreek.designpatterns.templatemethod.Truck; import com.programcreek.designpatterns.templatemethod.Vehicle; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]){ Car car = new Car(); testVehicle(car); Truck truck = new Truck(); testVehicle(truck); } public static void testVehicle(Vehicle v){ v.testYourVehicle(); } }
Spring框架的数据访问对象(DAO)就是采用这种模式 org.springframework.jdbc.core。JdbcTemplate 类有所有常见的与JDBC的工作流程相关的重复代码块,如更新,查询,执行等。
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Visitor
访问者模式是编译器解析时常用的一种设计模式,如Eclipse JDT AST分析器。
在访问者模式中,基本有两个接口 - Visitor 和 Element。
import java.util.ArrayList; interface Visitor { public void visit(City city); public void visit(Museum museum); public void visit(Park park); } class FirstTimeVisitor implements Visitor { @Override public void visit(City city) { System.out.println("I'm visiting the city!"); } @Override public void visit(Museum museum) { System.out.println("I'm visiting the Museum!"); } @Override public void visit(Park park) { System.out.println("I'm visiting the Park!"); } } interface Element { public void accept(Visitor visitor); } class City implements Element { ArrayList<Element> places = new ArrayList<Element>(); public City() { places.add(new Museum()); places.add(new Park()); } @Override public void accept(Visitor visitor) { System.out.println("City is accepting visitor."); visitor.visit(this); for (Element e : places) { e.accept(visitor); } } } class Museum implements Element { @Override public void accept(Visitor visitor) { System.out.println("Museum is accepting visitor."); visitor.visit(this); } } class Park implements Element { @Override public void accept(Visitor visitor) { System.out.println("Park is accepting visitor."); visitor.visit(this); } } public class TestVisitor { public static void main(String[] args) { FirstTimeVisitor visitor = new FirstTimeVisitor(); City city = new City(); city.accept(visitor); } }
City is accepting visitor. I’m visiting the city! Museum is accepting visitor. I’m visiting the Museum! Park is accepting visitor. I’m visiting the Park!
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Chain of Responsibility
package designpatterns.cor; abstract class Chain { public static int One = 1; public static int Two = 2; public static int Three = 3; protected int Threshold; protected Chain next; public void setNext(Chain chain) { next = chain; } public void message(String msg, int priority) { //if the priority is less than Threshold it is handled if (priority <= Threshold) { writeMessage(msg); } if (next != null) { next.message(msg, priority); } } abstract protected void writeMessage(String msg); } class A extends Chain { public A(int threshold) { this.Threshold = threshold; } protected void writeMessage(String msg) { System.out.println("A: " + msg); } } class B extends Chain { public B(int threshold) { this.Threshold = threshold; } protected void writeMessage(String msg) { System.out.println("B: " + msg); } } class C extends Chain { public C(int threshold) { this.Threshold = threshold; } protected void writeMessage(String msg) { System.out.println("C: " + msg); } } public class ChainOfResponsibilityExample { private static Chain createChain() { // Build the chain of responsibility Chain chain1 = new A(Chain.Three); Chain chain2 = new B(Chain.Two); chain1.setNext(chain2); Chain chain3 = new C(Chain.One); chain2.setNext(chain3); return chain1; } public static void main(String[] args) { Chain chain = createChain(); chain.message("level 3", Chain.Three); chain.message("level 2", Chain.Two); chain.message("level 1", Chain.One); } }
A: level 3 A: level 2 B: level 2 A: level 1 B: level 1 C: level 1
这是来自维基百科的一个简单例子 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain-of-responsibility_pattern
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Command
具体命令角色(ConcreteCommand): 命令接口实现对象,是“虚”的实现;通常会持有接收者,并调用接收者的功能来完成命令要执行的操作。
package designpatterns.command; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; /* The Command interface */ interface Command { void execute(); } // in this example, suppose you use a switch to control computer /* The Invoker class */ class Switch { private List<Command> history = new ArrayList<Command>(); public Switch() { } public void storeAndExecute(Command command) { this.history.add(command); // optional, can do the execute only! command.execute(); } } /* The Receiver class */ class Computer { public void shutDown() { System.out.println("computer is shut down"); } public void restart() { System.out.println("computer is restarted"); } } /* The Command for shutting down the computer*/ class ShutDownCommand implements Command { private Computer computer; public ShutDownCommand(Computer computer) { this.computer = computer; } public void execute(){ computer.shutDown(); } } /* The Command for restarting the computer */ class RestartCommand implements Command { private Computer computer; public RestartCommand(Computer computer) { this.computer = computer; } public void execute() { computer.restart(); } } /* The client */ public class TestCommand { public static void main(String[] args){ Computer computer = new Computer(); Command shutdown = new ShutDownCommand(computer); Command restart = new RestartCommand(computer); Switch s = new Switch(); String str = "shutdown"; //get value based on real situation if(str == "shutdown"){ s.storeAndExecute(shutdown); }else{ s.storeAndExecute(restart); } } }
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Interpreter
解释器模式使用在需要解释一些背景内容的时候。下面的例子是一个很简单的解释器执行的情况。它所完成的工作是解释字母“a”和“b” 到 “1”和“2”。
class Context { private String input; private String output; public Context(String input) { this.input = input; this.output = ""; } public String getInput() { return input; } public void setInput(String input) { this.input = input; } public String getOutput() { return output; } public void setOutput(String output) { this.output = output; } } abstract class Expression { public abstract void interpret(Context context); } class AExpression extends Expression { public void interpret(Context context) { System.out.println("a expression"); String input = context.getInput(); context.setInput(input.substring(1)); context.setOutput(context.getOutput()+ "1"); } } class BExpression extends Expression { public void interpret(Context context) { System.out.println("b expression"); String input = context.getInput(); context.setInput(input.substring(1)); context.setOutput(context.getOutput()+ "2"); } } public class TestInterpreter { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "ab"; Context context = new Context(str); List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>(); list.add(new AExpression()); list.add(new BExpression()); for(Expression ex : list) { ex.interpret(context); } System.out.println(context.getOutput()); } }
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Iterator
迭代器模式用来遍历对象集合。这是一个常用的设计模式,你之前可能已经用过它。当你看到的比如 hasNext() 和 next()方法时,它可能就是一个迭代器模式。例如,在你遍历数据库查询记录的列表时用到。
interface IIterator{ public boolean hasNext(); public Object next(); } interface IContainer{ public IIterator createIterator(); } class RecordCollection implements IContainer{ private String recordArray[] = {"first","second","third","fourth","fifth"}; public IIterator createIterator(){ RecordIterator iterator = new RecordIterator(); return iterator; } private class RecordIterator implements IIterator{ private int index; public boolean hasNext(){ if (index < recordArray.length) return true; else return false; } public Object next(){ if (this.hasNext()) return recordArray[index++]; else return null; } } } public class TestIterator { public static void main(String[] args) { RecordCollection recordCollection = new RecordCollection(); IIterator iter = recordCollection.createIterator(); while(iter.hasNext()){ System.out.println(iter.next()); } } }
public interface Iterator<E> { boolean hasNext(); E next(); void remove(); }
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Mediator
package designpatterns.mediator; interface IMediator { public void fight(); public void talk(); public void registerA(ColleagueA a); public void registerB(ColleagueB a); } //concrete mediator class ConcreteMediator implements IMediator{ ColleagueA talk; ColleagueB fight; public void registerA(ColleagueA a){ talk = a; } public void registerB(ColleagueB b){ fight = b; } public void fight(){ System.out.println("Mediator is fighting"); //let the fight colleague do some stuff } public void talk(){ System.out.println("Mediator is talking"); //let the talk colleague do some stuff } } abstract class Colleague { IMediator mediator; public abstract void doSomething(); } //concrete colleague class ColleagueA extends Colleague { public ColleagueA(IMediator mediator) { this.mediator = mediator; } @Override public void doSomething() { this.mediator.talk(); this.mediator.registerA(this); } } //concrete colleague class ColleagueB extends Colleague { public ColleagueB(IMediator mediator) { this.mediator = mediator; this.mediator.registerB(this); } @Override public void doSomething() { this.mediator.fight(); } } public class MediatorTest { public static void main(String[] args) { IMediator mediator = new ConcreteMediator(); ColleagueA talkColleague = new ColleagueA(mediator); ColleagueB fightColleague = new ColleagueB(mediator); talkColleague.doSomething(); fightColleague.doSomething(); } }
翻译自 Java Design Pattern: Memento
package designpatterns.memento; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; class Life { private String time; public void set(String time) { System.out.println("Setting time to " + time); this.time = time; } public Memento saveToMemento() { System.out.println("Saving time to Memento"); return new Memento(time); } public void restoreFromMemento(Memento memento) { time = memento.getSavedTime(); System.out.println("Time restored from Memento: " + time); } public static class Memento { private final String time; public Memento(String timeToSave) { time = timeToSave; } public String getSavedTime() { return time; } } } public class You { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Life.Memento> savedTimes = new ArrayList<Life.Memento>(); Life life = new Life(); //time travel and record the eras life.set("2000 B.C."); savedTimes.add(life.saveToMemento()); life.set("2000 A.D."); savedTimes.add(life.saveToMemento()); life.set("3000 A.D."); savedTimes.add(life.saveToMemento()); life.set("4000 A.D."); life.restoreFromMemento(savedTimes.get(0)); } }